Arctic’s Frozen Ground 北極的凍土
- 獨家編譯:當永久凍土融化時,其中儲存的碳會發生什麼?
- 德國偵查飛機進入北極圈,記錄下地球驚人異變!
- Arctic Permafrost Hides Migrating Methane That Could Skyrocket Emissions
- Research shows shrinking Arctic glaciers are unearthing a new source of methane
- Frozen Ground & Permafrost
Biodiversity and Climate Change 生物多樣性與氣候轉變
- What is Biodiversity and How Does Climate Change Affect It?
- Research reveals location and intensity of global threats to biodiversity
- Climate Change and Biodiversity
- Daphne Wong – Photographer & Filmmaker (Hong Kong Biodiversity, FB)
- 自然大不同
Carbon 碳
Carbon Cycle 碳循環
- 動畫19.2 碳循環 (粵)
- [DSE BIO] 碳循環 Carbon Cycle (粵)
- 全面了解 Carbon Cycle 碳循环概述 (3分钟微学习) (普)
- The Carbon Cycle | Carbon Cycle Process | Video for Kids
- The Carbon Cycle
- Carbon cycle (berkeley.edu)
Carbon Footprint 碳足跡
- What Are Carbon Footprints
- Simpleshow explains the Carbon Footprint
- Test Yourself Carbon Footprint: Carbon Calculator
- Calculate your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Climate Change 氣候轉變
- 9 Things You Can Do about Climate Change
- Climate Change Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Wiki: Climate Change
Diseases and Global Warming 疾病和全球暖化
- 施柏榮/是什麼讓我們進入瘟疫時代? 全球化、環境破壞與新型冠狀病毒
- 暖化恐讓冰層毒菌湧出 地球將重現大瘟疫
- Climate change makes the risk of novel diseases much more explosive.
- This Is How Global Warming Affects the Transmission of Diseases
- Climate change impacts on health
- How Climate Change Is Exacerbating the Spread of Disease
- Infectious disease in an era of global change
Earth Day 世界地球日
Environmental Art 環境藝術
- What is Environmental Art?
- Art Exhibit Highlights Impact of Climate Change
- Why the arts are essential in addressing climate change? | Ben Twist | TEDxHeriotWattUniversity
- Environmental Art (powerpoint presentation)
- Amazingly Creative Examples of Environmental Art
- 20 Unforgettable Works of Environmental Art
- The 20 Best Environmentalist Artworks of the Past 50 Years
- 6 Environmental Artists Who Celebrate Nature and Promote Positive Social Change
Environmental Refugees 環境難民
- Environmental Migration
- IOM Strategy on Migration Environment and Climate Change
- Environmental Refugee
- There could be 1.2 billion climate refugees by 2050. Here’s what you need to know (2024)
Faith Reflections 信仰反醒
Fishing 捕魚
- 捕撈對環境的影響
- 全球近90%魚種面臨過度捕撈危機!海洋資源枯竭的真相
- How Does Recreational Fishing Affect The Environment?
- Sustainable Fishing
- Overfishing In Canada
- Global Fishing Fleets
Forest 林木
- Deforestation Effects on Climate
- Climate 101: Deforestation
- Amazon Deforestation: The Next Climate Tipping Point?
- Australia fires (January 2020)
Global Warming 全球暖化
Greenhouse Gases 溫室氣體
- Overview of Greenhouse Gases
- Greenhouse gas emissions (Canada Gov.)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (Canada Gov. 2023 Report)
One Point Five Degrees (1.5oC) 1.5度
- Explained: The 1.5 C climate benchmark (MIT News)
- Why is 1.5 degrees such a big deal? | Kristen Bell + Giant Ant
- The Dire Difference Between 1.5 And 2 Degrees Of Warming – Cheddar News
- Global Warming of 1.5 ºC (IPCC Report)
Plastics 塑膠
- 學生論文:從禁止一次性使用塑膠探討基督徒對環境的責任
- How microplastics may end up in your food, drink, air
- Microplastics are everywhere
- Are we underestimating microplastics in the marine environment?
- What really happens to the plastic you throw away – Emma Bryce
Sharks 鯊魚
- 10 Facts About Great White Sharks
- On Shark Population
– Shark Populations Are Crashing, With a ‘Very Small Window’ to Avert Disaster
– Global shark and ray population crashed more than 70% in past 50 years – study
– Alarming Decline in Shark Populations Points to Need for Stricter Conservation Measures
– How severe are shark population decreases, and how do we know? - Oceach
– Has tagged sharks tracking paths https://www.ocearch.org/tracker/?list
– 15 mins getting samples from shark https://www.ocearch.org/science/ - Policies
– International Shark Finning Bans and Policies
– Government of Canada bans shark finning (news release June 20, 2019)
– H.R.81 – Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (US) - Peter Benchley (the author of Jaws turned to shark protection!)
– Shark Research Institute
– Why the author of ‘Jaws’ wished he never wrote it
– Peter Benchley talks ‘Jaws’ on Greater Boston in 2004 - Conservation
– Why Sharks Matter: Shark Science and Conservation
– Shark Conservation Documentary - 鯊魚危機