我們是來自不同教會的基督徒 , 關心上帝所創造的地球。我們深信上帝的一切創造,都是美好的; 上帝並將它美好的創造,托管人類作忠心的管家。受托於這使命, 並本着愛上帝和愛人,我們相信環境的保育活動是基督徒的屬靈使命之一(Wright, The Mission of God, 2013)。透過保育活動,我們盼望人和土地能歸回和諧關係, 讓上帝的榮耀得着彰顯! 基於目前氣候變化,空氣污染,塑膠廢料危害海洋生態等等,已到非常嚴重地步, 我們盼望凝聚更多有心人士努力環保行動。
We are a group of Christians who care about the Creation of the earth and are called to be faithful stewards of the environment, and to inspire others to do the same. Based on the love for God and people, we believe creation care is one of the spiritual mandates. “Wright, The Mission of God, 2013”. Through our events and activities, we hope people can reconcile with the earth with harmony for God’s glory. With the current environmental issues: such as climate change, air pollution, plastic wastes damaging ocean ecology, we hope to consolidate our resources to invite more people to participate into environmental action.

Pastor Dr. Paddy Wong is the founder and executive director of Holistic Sanctuary. She serves as the retreat director, spiritual director, certified life coach and teacher of Christian spiritual formation Course. Paddy loves nature. In her pastime, she enjoys hiking with her husband and their dog, Jacob. Both of them are Certified Hike Leaders of Hike Ontario.
黃李頻頻傳道博士是「心靈聖所 」 的創辦人,專職於屬靈導引,靈命塑造課程,及靜修營。她熱愛大自然,空閒時間,她享受與丈夫帶同小狗行山,及發掘不同的樹林,她和丈夫都是Hike Ontario所認證的行山帶領者。
在保育大地3週年,她也特別訪問國際基督徒自然保育團體 A Rocha 工作者趙汝圖先生:重建大地、活出關愛 (歡迎收看)

Yuen Chun Chan (YC) is a retired social worker. She likes sharing her own stories, and listening to authentic stories, especially enjoying spending time together with her husband and their daughters in laughing moments.
她在 CC120 活動中亦分享過:室內種植 – 愛大地謝餐禱告 (歡迎收看)

Monica Wu is a hardworking house-wife and a volunteer of creation care.
Monica 為勤勞的家庭主婦並環保義工。她在 CC120 活動中亦分享過:
室內種植 – 斑點豆苗 (歡迎收看)

Dr. Simon Wat loves the nature and always contemplating on God’s creation since he was young. Then he nurtures a sense of compassion towards animals. Through Creation Care, he would treasure the opportunity to love and take care of them.
屈思宏博士自小喜歡大自然,常常思想上帝的創造,漸漸便跟動植物培養了一份感情。今天更有機會參與「保育大地 120」,去愛護他們,保護他們。

Karen Chan is enjoying her retirement and now actively participates in creation care.
Karen 為退休人仕,正樂意参予環保行動。她在 CC120 活動中亦分享過:室內種植 – 西蘭花苗 (歡迎收看)

Rev. Raymond Cheng is seeking practical ways to motivate Christians as a faithful community to care for creation and interact with the contemporary meaning of the Gospel.
教會社區 齊心保育(歡迎收看)

Iris Tsui 曾在婦女小組,長者團契,介紹素食對人體和地球健康的助益。並與 Clorie Ng 姊妹共同撰寫一個有關素食的網誌https://sokeenforvegan.blogspot.com
她在 CC120 活動中亦分享過:
室內種植 – 有機、轉化基因、非轉化基因 (歡迎收看)